In Season Training, "Functional Training", Developing Youth Athletes
In Season Training
In Season training is one of the most overlooked areas to maintain health and performance. French Contrast Training has been such an effective training tool, but knowing how to apply it in a program is something different. We typically apply it when time constraints are an issue.
Internships 2022
We are now accepting applications for our 3rd Annual Sports Performance Internship for Spring 2022. This has been a comprehensive program with colleges like University of Florida Applied Kinesiology Department to Barry University Sports Performance Department. This is a 8 week and 12 week program with schedule flexibility. Deadline to apply is 1/21/2022 If you are interested apply here.
Functional Training
There are a TON a great exercises and variations out there to do but does it mean that you should do them? Challenging your core with a AB Wheel is a go to for us, but progressing it to a treadmill while it's on, is not one of them we will ever do. So many things "look cool" but have very little application to how that would apply to your day to day life or sport.
Developing the Student-Athlete
Strength and Conditioning is something that should be done year round and treated as a proactive approach to health and performance. No matter the season you are in our strength and conditioning classes are in a semi private setting allowing for our strength coaches to provide individualized attention.

Summer Strength Camp Now Open for Registration!