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It's Not your Hamstrings Series [Part 1]

We are dedicated to reducing injury rates in youth athletes and increasing education in adult fitness by helping you swift through all of the non-sense floating around on the web by trainers, coaches and even some qualified medical professionals.

This series on Hamstrings is to give you an insight to some problematic areas that are typically overlooked in prevention of hamstring injuries. To start, the overlooked or ignored understanding of how the hamstring should be trained for injury prevention, increased ROM and increased performance. Secondly is the roll of the hamstring and how it is used during performance and it's ability to help in agility.

Series One: Function and Performance

We can start by looking at the function of the hamstring and role in performance. The hamstring's role is to flex the knee and extend the hip running, jumping, kicking or agility to absorb forces from the ground and decelerate. The hamstring also has a role in stabilizing the hip and knee when accelerating.

These are all critical movements in being able to play sports and perform and while doing so staying healthy. Hip extension requires the hamstring, and other muscles that we will be going into these next series, to pull the femur back and extending the hip.

Problematic Issue:

Hamstring position greatly relies on the position of the pelvis. Anterior Pelvic Tilt is a common overuse and posture position of the pelvis due to overactive anterior muscles, such as the TFL, Rectus Femoris and even the adductor complex.

We have a Free 10 Page E-Book available for download here to help you get started along with a Free 4 Week Exercise Program.

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